Huge success for Tosca in Barcelona
“The superb Scarpia sung by baritone Ambrogio Maestri demands a mention. As he had appeared recently in L’Elisir d’amore, singing Dulcamara, some uninformed people thought that he would be unsuited to the role of the evil officer, but they were soon proved wrong. Maestri lived up to his name, performed the Te Deum masterfully and was a perfect torturer in the second act with a terrifying death (as befits a verismo opera)”. La Vanguardia – Roger Alier “The long scene with Scarpia was sensational. Ambrogio Maestri, certain, emphatic, imposing, mastered the true central character of Tosca, the lascivious Scarpia, a prince of evil, a highly appreciated role, with great personal charm”. El Pais – Xavier Pujol “At the opening night of Tosca at the Liceu those who triumphed were the soprano Sondra Radvanovksy and the great Ambrogio Maestri´s simply perfect Scarpia”. ABC “Ambrogio Maestri was a text book Scarpia, with an elegant vocal line, superlative diction and representing all the power of the evil Baron with his imposing projection”. Opera Actual “Ambrogio Maestri, a truly great Scarpia, in voice, acting and presence. He fills the stage with his impressive quality and really makes one hate and admire him at the same time. I hope he will return to the Liceu more often, it’s an absolute pleasure to see him on stage”. Teatre Barcelona